Sunday, November 16, 2008

And finally..

This analysis of No Logo and The Corporation will clearly show that media can be used to manipulate behaviors and the vulnerable members of the society. This is demonstrated in both films. In No Logo, Naomi’s research shows that branding is used as tool to ‘create’ unwanted desires and life styles. And people give in to it. In the corporation, Dr. Susan Linn, Professor of Psychiatry, Baker Children's Centre and Critic of the Nag Factor study and of exploiting children's developmental vulnerabilities, states that nagging of the children’ is being used by the marketers to push sales and make profits despite it being unethical. The representative of the Nag factor Study admits that she is ‘not sure’ of the ethics but felt that the campaign works. In both these instances it is clear that products of globalization such as media and concepts like branding and marketing campaigns are used to influence people against their wills. They are manipulated. Therefore it may be argued that the same tools are also used to produce slavery, which is characterized by the ‘absence of willingness’ of the subject. In one of the scenes of No Logo Naomi states that greater choices is a facade that branding creates; On the contrary it has not only lessen the choice but has also diminished the quality of work. Thus in essence creating a situation of desperation amongst the customers who become vulnerable and at the same time are put on a kind of assembly line where they see and think according to the branding missions. We therefore see that with branding people are controlled; their choices and their behavior are controlled. This again, is a symptom of slavery. Further, while talking about the mass production and mass transportation, No Logo observes that previously, in the market place, the customers personally knew and identified with the farmers. And therefore there was a communication taking place at the point of purchase. With mass production and mass transportation, the products, being manufactured at far-off places were sold in malls and stores and this took the communication away. Thus, creating a kind of ‘alienation’ amongst customers and farmers. It should be noted that alienation is also one of the tools which is used by the slave masters for the process of enslavement. Another factor that facilitates slavery is the control of solidarity amongst the groups( slaves).In No Logo, we see that in many cases multinationals do not allow unionization of the workers and keep them under extreme repressive working conditions to control their ‘groupings or solidarity’ and prevent any kind of resulting ‘reaction’. In spite of such observation and its similarity with slave-phenomenon, the reference of slavery in the film was not made. Although the film does narrate the experiences of workers who work for almost 24 hours in a shift without any breaks, are not allowed to go home, sleep under sewing machines, their work places being guarded by physical guards and high fences; all of which shows the physical control of the workers from the outer world, atypical slavery practice.

Also, in the film Naomi explicitly speaks about the women workers who were being hired by multinationals; these women worked under repressive regimes being mentioned above. More importantly ‘No Logo’ expose the recruitment process of these women which showed that they were not from the neighboring places and came from places which were 6to 7 hours away from the work place. The analysis of this clearly shows that this was done to control them with repression were young women as opposed to young men who are expected to have a greater tendency to rebel against the repression being inflicted. However inspite of such observations of physical and mental control by the organizations, the film did not draw any parallel, of these observations, with slavery which is exercised in the same fashion and using the same operating mechanism of control of threat to vulnerabilities. In fact the film categorically mentions that multinationals are competing with each other in terms of who abuse their workers more, and therefore who exercise more control for greater profits. A clear direct link to this is the slave master’s case, who also keeps the slave under inhuman conditions to squeeze the best out of him/her, while at the same time nullifying all kinds of potential reactions by force and violence. No logo also clearly talks about the financial institutions like the World Bank and International Monitory Fund. These big organizations support the business- cause on the assumption that anything good for these businesses would also be good for all. This, the film consider, as an assault on the democracy because it takes away the freedom of choices of people at large who are forced to make their choices same as that of the big corporations. This leads us to other key characteristics of slavery which is control of the masses by a few.

Big corporations supported by the IMF and the World Bank are able to force their opinions, choices and decisions on the majority of the nations of the world without any consultation with them what so ever. In essence, enslaving them, through the most undemocratic institutionalized, financial, global support systems. This is true to slavery also where slaves are sold and resold to slave masters, who are in complete organization with each other to ensure that they are able to exercise their terms on the slaves. However this aspect is completely ignored in the film. Globalized concepts like Mcjobs (Ritzer) offer no security, no respect, no benefits and no control over work, workplaces, or work timing. All of these are also the core characteristics of slavery system in which the democracy of the people is taken. No logo acknowledges that democracy is being hijacked by the barding mechanism but it does not refer to the resultant slavery situation amongst the workers across the globe.

The second film ‘The Corporation’ specifically talks about and shows the working on corporations, primarily the multinationals working across the global demography. The film begins to shadow that corporations are all pervasive and that they influence and exercise power over lives thus creating lack of public control and more of power concentration in the hand so privatized organizations and individuals. The film features 40 corporate insiders and critics including stalwarts like Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Milton Friedman, Howard Zinn, Vandana Shiva and Michael Moore. In the very beginning of the film, corporations are compared with an eagle which is prepared to strike. In another scene they are compared with a monster, which is shown to be squeezing a person almost to death. This shows a violent analogy. And therefore the use of violence by the corporations can be perceived by the visual narrative. Historically speaking the film says that corporations, as form ownership, came into being 1712 out of industrial revolution and those wars created massive scope for corporations. In the light of this we can understand that the very origins of corporations were based on the opportunistic attitude while the profits remains at the core, they try to exercise power. It is also interesting that in the film while tracing the origins of the corporation, the films informs us that after the 14 amendment which was meant to protect the newly freed slaves, corporate lawyers cunningly presented corporations as persons and therefore like all humans being could enjoy rights similar to a person. Interestingly between 1890 and 1910 there were 307 cases filed under the 14 amendment. Out of these, 288 were corporations and mere 10 were African Americans. This is a clear testimony of how corporations have historically used not only scientific inventions, discoveries but also laws for their own benefits. While the film makes this clear, it do not say anything about the potential emergence of modern slavery due to the character of corporations. It is, however, quite clear with the narrative of the film that such a potential does exist and is indeed being realized by the big corporations across the world. This was further strengthened in the film, by the fact that the corporations are considered as a ‘legal person’ without morals or conscience. Corporations remain responsible to their stockholders, which are the owners and not to the ‘stakeholders’ like the general public(Noam Chomsky, The corporation) .It can therefore be assumed that corporations as the film suggest are responsible to only a few and therefore takes all it decisions according the good of the these few. Can this not mean the use slavery if need be, through force, manipulations of laws and scientific technology. I think it can .with amble evidence available for this, this film also ignores the link of corporation and the exercise of slavery. The film also refers to the concept of externalities which means avoidance of any major responsibilities on the part of corporations’ like worker's unions, factory accidents, compensations and so on. Companies want to avoid these externalities. This is done through a very systemic institutionalization of organizations such as Manpower who supply labor to other organizations. The responsibility of labor in such cases do not lie on the organizations on companies like manpower who tale workers and labors at all levels, from lower to managerial , on their pay rolls. This relates to the mechanism of slavery too where the slave master is unwilling to nurture the slave or providing any compensation other than making use of its labor abilities without any accountability, moral or otherwise.

The corporation like No Logo also travels to some of the most oppressive workplace across the globe and exposes the realities of ruthless and inhumane conditions in which workers are force to work while remaining underpaid or unpaid and economically exploited through fear and violence. The Corporation in fact runs a parallel narrative in which it identifies certain traits of a psychopath and shows how they are present in the corporations of the globalized world. The diagnostic checklist was used to measure the mental disorders (drawn from World Health Organization) in The Corporation, thereby personifying the corporations. The result was this: Corporations, as persons, act like psychopaths with the following characteristics:

1. Callous unconcern for the feelings of others. In other words exploitative
2. Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships
3. Reckless safeguard to safety of others.
4. Deceitfulness- repeated lying and conning of others for profits.
5. Capacity to inexperience guilt.
6. Failure to conform to social norms, with respect to lawful behaviors.

All of these characteristics are further complimented by other instances in the film like the practice of despotism by the corporations, involvement of IBM with Nazi government, provision of tax holidays by several government o corporations thus ripping poor of the basic facilities that government can provide through tax revenues, production of cancer epidemic by chemical industries and the use same chemical being produced by the corporation on people and farms during Vietnam War. In essence the film made clear that corporations are ruthless and despotic. They are also degrading environment, air and water and thus creating ill heath on mass scale. This in turn produces diseases but because corporations control the business of medical treatment through privatized hospitals and pharmaceutical companies, they control and hike the price of healthcare. This takes us back to the situation of creation of economic exploitation and also facilitating the emergence of slavery which finds fertility in such exploitative, poverty stricken situation. Historically understanding slavery and the way it changed and re emerged will help us understand the role that these global corporations play, not only in the creation but also the sustainability of slavery especially in the developing nations which are highly controlled by global financial hours like IMF and the World Bank. The film further shows a campaign in which, 100 of the world’s biggest corporate were being classified as criminals and were fined in the tunes for 500millon dollars for causing environmental and tax violations. These corporations includes name such as Pfizer, a drug company, GE, IBM, Roche. Exxon, Sears and others.In the light of these facts one also sees, in the film, that these corporations are quite aware of the violations that they cause and choose to look at it a business decision as long as the cost of compliance is higher than the cost of penalty, they continue to violate. All this is because the bottom-line is profits. While this is true, can the possibility of using slavery (because it also brings profits) be ruled out by the corporation given their ruthless and monstrous character? I do not think it can be because the fact have clearly shown that the mechanism which run these corporations are inherently enslaving and do produce slavery. The film does not, however, take this vantage point into account. It does make it clear that in their individual roles, mangers of corporations may be noble and kind, but in their institutional role, they are monstrous , producing ‘generational tyranny’. And therefore all possibilities should be taken into account with the exclusion of slavery.

In one of the interviews in the film (The Corporation) a commodity trader explains how the devastation of 9/11 was being looked upon as an opportunity for the gold holding clients. Thus again we see highly globalized economy where stocks and commodities are traded not only creates wealth but creates immune to human feelings and the ability to see opportunity where there is pain and suffering. This again is the most visible characteristic of classical form of slavery and is so highly manifested in our global systems. As one of the interviewees, Noam Chomsky speaks of privatization as a result of globalization, as process of taking over of public institutions by an unaccountable attorney. This means that schools, hospitals , road constructions , bridge building medicine, education , restaurants and many other institutions which have a direct bearing on the public’s life are now taken over by the private individuals, and are used not to benefit the people at large but to bring profit only to the few. This obviously is not possible unless there is exploitation of the masses by these few. As result of this exploitation the situations of economic inequality are created, human vulnerability is strengthened and the grounds of slavery are prepared. With new concepts such public relations, advertising, perception management which are highly scientific tools, the demands of insignificant products and services like fashion are created by boosting created-wants and created- desires for increased consumption. This leads to’ manufacturing consent’ (Chomsky).Such practices can create horrendous situations like the one anticipated in the film; two-third of the world will not have drinking water by 2025.

Support of oppressive regimes by global financial institutions as in the case of Indonesia where a military’s dictator was supported by the World Bank and the IMF in order to acquire Indonesian markets( john Pilger the new rulers of the world) will only make things worse and will provide favorable grounds for problems like slavery to re-emerge and prevail. What does this mean? I think it means increasingly high level of exploitations in the hand of multinational corporations to create enslavement for the want of more profits.It is ample clear that the globalized economy has also created globalized poverty and this, in turn has produced globalized slavery, a new form of slavery which is an inherent endowment of the process of globalization. The analysis of the facts produced by these two cases studies in addition to other work that I studied and research, it is quite clear that the rules and actors of slavery have changed; the slave masters are no longer remote individuals working within small physical boundaries controlling handful of slaves but they the globalized multinationals and white- nations of the west, operating at a vast scale controlling and enslaving millions with the use of modern technology, media and the process of institutionalization which is a part of larger process of modernization, enslaving the vast majority of ‘blank and brown’ people including women and children of the east. To complete the broader analysis of this paper it becomes necessary to answer the following questions while carefully looking at the present analysis, history and emergence of slavery and also the acts and actors of the prices of globalization to be able understand fully and therefore study more systematically, the relationship between silvery and globalizations:

1. How has slavery graduated from ‘one man or a small group of men enslaving another man or a small group of men’ to grand scale where one nation enslaves another nation, or one corporations enslaves another nation, or one nation or a group of nations together with one or corporations enslave another nation or a group of nation, or both

2. In this graduation of slavery what role does globalization plays; directly and indirectly?

3 Who are the national and international beneficiary if national and international
slavery that is being talked about in the paper?

4. What characteristics would a nation-slave master demonstrate and are these nation-master slaves not present today in the west?

5. What characteristics would a nation-slave demonstrate and are these nation-slaves not present today in the East?

6. What facilitates such new equations?

It is only in the light of these questions that the chapter of modern slavery be fully understood as it would take into account the nature of national and international political policies, funding, socio-economic conditions and over all fabric of human civilization, with it vast and varying interests amongst its member groups and individuals.

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